MISSION Elko Middle School is a comprehensive middle school in Henrico County Public Schools. We aim to inspire educational excellence among all students in their journey from middle to high school. To achieve our goal, Elko will increase the percentage of students demonstrating proficiency in grade-level content by 10% in ELA, Math, & Science. Elko Middle School will maintain a Chronic Absenteeism rate below 15%. VISION Elko Middle School will soar from good to great by inspiring educational excellence among all students. Educational excellence will be measured by maintaining full accreditation in our academic program and increasing the number of extracurricular activities and business partnerships in the community. To this end, we will provide: 1. A safe and orderly campus for all students 2. Daily instruction meeting individual student needs. 3. Programs and activities that enhance academic achievement, as well as each student’s social | |
CLINIC UPDATES | If you have any questions, please get in touch with Nurse Barrett at klbarrett@henrico.k12.va.us. |
ATTENDANCE UPDATES | Please refer to our Attendance Flier for information regarding reporting absences, early dismissals, and attendance letters. Please note that attendance letters are sent out regarding both excused and unexcused absences, as well as suspensions. Click here to review Attendance Flyer. Click here to report absences to our attendance secretary. |
The early dismissal cutoff time is 2:30 PM. Please be advised to plan future student pickups accordingly. | |
Learning Lab is a chance for students to receive in person help for classes that they are struggling with. It is designed for students who are failing at least one core class or need to recovery attendance time. Learning Lab will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays either before school (7-8am) or after school (3:30 to 4:30pm). Please sign your student up for learning lab here: https://bit.ly/ElkoTutoring School Counseling Appointments- Our School Counselors are happy to meet with parents either in person or over the phone to discuss any concerns or questions they might have. To schedule an appointment to see your student’s counselor please call (804)328-4111 or email your student’s counselor. Counselor Rawls (6th Grade) – glrawls@henrico.k12.va.us Ms. Flowers (7th Grade) – acflowers@henrico.k12.va.us Ms. Fish (8th Grade) – stfish@henrico.k12.va.us Dr. Swingen (EL and Last Name A & B) – jkswingen@henrico.k12.va.us Ms. Stacy (Registrar) - tcstacy@henrico.k12.va.us Use the link below to schedule appointments with our Registrar. Please select a time slot to schedule your registration meeting. You will need to complete the enrollment forms (either online or in person) and bring proof of residency with you to your appointment. | |
HCPS ONLINE SERVICES AND RESOURCES | Click here to access HCPS online services and resources website: this website can assist in the following areas: PowerSchool Parent Portal, Schoology, Making School Payments, and Paying for Meals. |
COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITIES | There are no new announcements at this time. |
If you would like to become a volunteer, click here to complete the online volunteer/mentor application. | |
UPCOMING EVENTS | Nov. 27-29: Schools Closed -Thanksgiving Holiday |
ELKO ATHLETICS | Let's go, Eagles!!! E-A-G-L-E-S, Eagles! |
SPORTS INFORMATION 2024-25 | Elko Athletics Week 11/18/24-11/22/24 at a glance! |
ELKO LEADERSHIP TEAM | Tyrus T. Lyles Ed.D-Principal-ttlyles@henrico.k12.va.us Taleesa Meeks- Associate Principal- tjmeeks@henrico.k12.va.us Corey Calder- Associate Principal- ctcalder@henrico.k12.va.us Akeela Tyson- Assistant Principal- altyson@henrico.k12.va.us Brandon Hardy- Assistant Principal- bahardy@henrico.k12.va.us Jorli Swingen- Director of School Counseling-jkswingen@henrico.k12.va.us Kendra Amis-Athletic Director-kdamis@henrico.k12.va.us Jennifer Jenkins-Administrative Aide- jrjenkin@henrico.k12.va.us Ethel Reed- Administrative Aide- elreed@henrico.k12.va.us Torre Siler-Administrative Aide- tsiler@hennco.k12.va.us Abby Thomas- Administrative Aide- arthomas@henrico.k12.va.us Frenchie Travis- Administrative Aide- fmtravis@henrico.k12.va.us |
![The Nest News-13th Edition- November 18-22, 2024](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/henrico_county_public_schools_ar/article/image/large_7eff9f8b-22f2-4e41-b862-84cf2feb98fb.png)
The Nest News-13th Edition- November 18-22, 2024
November 17, 2024